RARB Reviews Hold That Thought

Shortly after the release of Hold That Thought this past December, we submitted the CD to the Recorded A Cappella Review Board (RARB) for an album review. There were some mixed feelings in the group about submitting our debut album since we knew that RARB would tell it like it is but collectively decided that was exactly what we wanted. We were very proud of the hard work we had put into producing the album and wanted to hear some unbiased opinions on what they thought of our finished product. Well, the reviews are in, and it looks like we passed the test of some of the most qualified reviewers in the a cappella community.

Overall, RARB gave Hold That Thought a rating of 4.0 of a 5.0 scale. The RARB scoring scale looks like this:

5 = Excellent 4 = Good 3 = Average 2 = Weak 1 = Poor

To put that into perspective, there have been 106 album reviews since 2012 and only a total of five albums have received a higher rating than a 4.3 with just one album receiving a perfect 5.0.

Our CAL friends from Boston, Redline, received a 3.7 on their debut album Inbound last year that won the Contemporary A Cappella Recording Award (CARA) for Best Contemporary A Cappella League (CAL) album. We would be thrilled to keep the award in Boston for another year.

Many thanks to the RARB panel that took the time to listen and review Hold That Thought.  We truly appreciate your feedback and are incredibly thankful for your kind words.

Read all of the reviews here: http://www.rarb.org/reviews/1284.html

Thanks again, RARB! See you at BOSS 2013!

